Hi folk's, I have some great things to tell you today that should get you motivated...Yesterday I decided to take action and ordered myself a nice little camcorder to help me get the technique's I learned in the Average Joe's Income Package into action! Yes as I always say nothing can happen until action is taken...The bad part is the camera will take a week or so to get here, but that's okay,as I have many other things I can put into motion in the mean time...
Although Kris McCarty's Average Joe's Income Package is awesome in it self i did order another course a day or so later,because it sounded so enticing... This course cost $67.00 and also comes with a full money back guarantee... There's no video's,but two excellent well written easy to understand e-books, it's called "Web Business Secrets" . What makes this course so incredible is it shows you how to get your Google ads for FREE ..Yes that's right so I went through the course in a few hour's to really absorb all of it's delicious content.. Once I decide on exactly how I want my business plan to go I will most definitely benefit big time from Web Business Secrets which does truly indeed allow you to get Free google advertising just as it claims...
You are probably thinking do I need to buy this web business secrets information? absolutely not,but I did because I want to have a full arsenal of information so i can make the most of my efforts and make money in a faster way..But again if you just buy Kris McCarty's average Joe's income package you will be heavily armed and ready to make serious money online. So guy's take action asap so you can start getting excited... I myself am excited and I still haven't even really started... But I truly believe the next three or four months is going to be one exciting ride for me...
There is another course I have come across and one of my mentor's also told me about . He claimed he made $1000 using it his first week,and his 15 year old cousin made over $300 his first week... He said it cost a little more than average Joe course, but also is more of a turn key system which has everything laid out for you in a very systematic order...I myself am most likely going to order it also as i read over the site this morning... The system is called "Profit Lance" and it also comes with a 58 day guarantee... If I would have learned about it before average Joe's system judging from all the positive feed back about it buzzing around... i most likely would have purchased it first.. It sounds like a great course that really tells you how to get the ball rolling fast.. Go see for yourselves Click here for profit lance information ..Okay my friends you have all the resources you will ever need right here all with a full money back guarantee...which to me is a no risk venture you should take full advantage of...If anyone wants to ask me any question's feel free to call 239-810-8173 Have an AWESOME DAY GUY'S!! Start Learning asap... greg.....
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Monday, January 28, 2008
Hi guys, what i want to talk about briefly is about focus and how important it is...it seems everyday while working on my PC I get distracted by other ads claiming to be better easier faster etc... Guys You must work the good system sitting in front of you. Don't let all the crazy things we all get hit with get you off track..We all know about this and we all do it,but to be successful focus and hard work are the two most important things...So guys whether you order the Average Joe's Money Making Package I talked about in yesterdays post, or another program and you believe it's good stuff...Don't just stare at it, apply its principles...Good luck greg
Saturday, January 26, 2008
''Average Joe's Money Making System''
Hi folk's, thanks for stopping by.Today i want to go over some important things regarding getting started online... First and most importantly when you order a coarse such as the AVERAGE JOE'S MAKING MONEY SYSTEM by Kris McCarty you need to take it one section at a time and go over things a few times if need be...I most certainly am one of these people as I have aways had a hard time learning new things...There's nothing to be ashamed of if you don't get it right away...
I remember when i got a job with my big brother Dan ..I was paid 10 bucks and hour to run a back hoe..i never ran a back hoe...I was nervous i would look like a jackass or even worse kill somebody. anyway after a few days of playing in the dirt i finally got the feel for it... Even though I was know expert, because I did not stick with it long enough I still got good enough after a couple of weeks to make my brother some descent money...
That's just how the AVERAGE JOE'S MAKING MONEY SYSTEM is...you get it, read it over watch the video's and rinse & repeat as many times as necessary...Then one morning you will wake up and realise like i did how valuable and life changing this information is...Then one day like me you will get on your PC and start putting what you have learned to good use... some people will put the free system to use which works awesome but takes a couple of months before you start generating 2000-4000 plus a month...
Some people use a low risk quick system(but money is needed,but is low risk high payout) I myself am just using the free ways for now from Kris McCarty's Average Joe Income Package..In a month or so when i am making over a thousand a week I will really get the ball rolling by using the other methods that cost,but money comes back 2 to 10 times depending on how good you use what you have learned either way this program is the best and i highly recommend you guys and gals order it today it comes with a full money back guarantee..I promise you will love this stuff,and for those of you who feel it's to hard to understand(which it isn't once you read it over a couple of times like I did) get your friends or 15 or 40 year old kid to help you... Go read all about it now AVERAGE JOE'S MAKING MONEY SYSTEM .If you have any questions please call 239-810-8173... Have a great day... tomorrow I'm taking my favorite girl out to the lake(my miss vegas nitro rc boat)...cheers greg
Thursday, January 24, 2008
The Truth About Making Money With Your PC
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
The internet is just starting
Hi guys, If you are thinking ''Oh boy i really missed the boat''or ''it's just to late for me''... Do'nt be ridiculas the internet is getting bigger and bigger every second it's huge now,but 3,5 or 10 years from now it will be unbelieveable...It's time you started learning and stopped wondering...Regardless of your age race or where you live as long as you have access to a PC and an internet connection you can start building an automated money making machine...
The average Joe income package... does truly give you all the confidence you need to make it online and make it in as big a way as you want..i personally talked to a number of people online that used it and in first month only spending 4-5 hours a day were able to make over $2000..some people i talked to made over $6000 per month after 3 or 5 months..
After 5 Min's of getting it you will know it is everything i say it is and more... I will be updating and telling you about this other system i just went through that is another way,but not better just something cool and different..
Have a great day my friends... Click here for average Joe package PS..From all the research i have done and continue to do in my quest to find the best money making program if you guy's follow my lead i promise you will all succeed... But one very simple rule everyone needs to follow to succeed, is focus on one way at a time and don't let all the information in these programs overwhelm you... Be consistent and stay focused and use your spell checker like i need to start doing.. ;) call me 239-8108173 or e-mail me greghintz48@yahoo.com if you need any assistance...greg
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
My struggle with making money online
Hi guys & Gals, I am going to do my best to totally be honest with all of my inter net business research...Its been years since i have made any money online. several years back in the late 90's i had a site and maintained it for a couple of years. I did make some money , but nothing that great. so I'd rather not get into my past ventures.
Today the Internet has grown huge compared to just a few years ago...I talked to my brother who i his mind Say's it to late, all the big companies have taken over...He is very narrow minded at time's as many people that just have those regular jobs.
I'm here to tell you its not over at all its just beginning... See i used to think like my older brother and many people think,but a little bird kept biting my butt and telling me know grass hopper you must believe..this bird also made me get online and research and learn as much as i could,so i did..Know I'm not rich not by any means,but i truly believe i can be if i start now. I am going to make you believe also...
I currently have purchased three awesome money making systems that when learned and applied will generate income in many wonderful ways first program is Average Joe's income system.
Kris McCarty is a 24 year old guy that spent months just like me looking for a system. He doesn't tell where he gets his information,but undoubtedly he spend many dollars to find out his information. I was very lucky to find his course it covers a to z and everything else. Nice instructional online video's with Kris himself showing you each and every step. I was happy to learn it has 100% guarantee which after 5 minutes reading i new i would never have to use.
Here's my phone number(239-810-8173) if you have any questions or are afraid of trying a business online,but please don't ask me how much i made, because i am just starting and am still at the bottom. But the seed has been planted in my big fat head and Kris McCarty and his average Joe program is mainly responsible. Please go do yourself a favor and get this awesome product.. Kris even donates part of the money to SOS children's fund..this is the real deal..again like i said earlier if you have any questions about average Joe package call me..this is my personal phone so please know calls to early or to late or you will get a voice message,but regardless i will return your call as soon as possible... Have an awesome day Click here for average Joe package